Turning Point De-Addiciton Centre is an residential treatment facility located in the city of Surat [Gujarat,India]. A fully accredited amenity, the center has a safe, therapeutic, and professional environment offering recovery from alcoholism and chemical/drug dependency. Our multidisciplinary team including Counselors, Therapists, Psychologist, Nurses and Personal Trainers, who have years of expertise in dealing with addiction issues and support the client and their families throughout the recovery.
Tuning point has a holistic approach, we treat the whole person-Physically, Emotionally and spiritually to enhance the mental, emotional and physical strength, to overcome the effects of a dependency and minimise the harm resulting from the use of these substances. Our closely monitored Deaddiction and rehabilitation program is 99 % Drug-free& client-centered where individuals overcome addiction, learn new coping skills, gain and restart their independent and productive life in the community. We are based in Surat (Gujarat India) and are available 24 hours a day by telephone for support, advice and information.