Surat Parsi Panchayat Funds & Properties Trust

Rustomji Mancherji Kooka Parsi Panchayat Buildings, Dr. Jamshedji Lashkari Road, Shahpore, Surat: 395003
30 Lokmanya Tilak Road Surat Gujarat 395003 IN

Our Panchayat manages a Central Kitchen for the benefit of the inmates of its Orphanages, hospitals, infirmary, etc.  We give benefit of this facility to the Parsi students of Tots’ Corner by serving them free refreshments on working days of the school.  Thus, though this educational institution is managed on cosmopolitan lines, Parsis get

Special benefits in the direction of admissions, tuition fees, refreshments etc. and these are the benefits which they may get in any other cosmopolitan institution.

From what is stated above it will be evident that our above institutions are doing good work in the interest of the young, the infirm and the ill of our society and they badly need the sound support of the community and its trust funds for the continuance of their utility and efficient working.